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Sunday, 2 January 2022

"Holdin' On" - An Article by Prabha Tiwari, B.Com Regulars, 2A

Picture Credit: Special Arrangement

                                                             HOLDIN' ON

                                    When you come a long way, not realizing the path nor destination; you keep walking until you reach a spot. Recognizing nothing, but wandering around. No clue, no choice, no way back; but halting at a place which is familiar yet so unfamiliar.

                                 If it is said to be good, it would be an understatement, as it clearly isn't. The anxiety, depression, stress, vulnerability, panic and pain - all emotions rushing through the veins. No utterances, yet the desire to speak the heart out; rather craving heart-to-heart conversations. With everyone around, yet feeling lonely. What’s the right word to address it? The right way to say it- surrounded by populace constantly isn't called lonely, but being left alone.

                                The fact that one is way too innocent to survive in this cruel world, would be a better statement. Leaving everything behind or passing by, aren’t the options. Staying and facing it, aren’t options either. No wonder how, people get lost in the depths of life - which is miserable, is the better way to say it.

                               Despite such chaos, you want to live. You want to leave everything behind, yet you end up carrying it, but this time, with the strength to bear it. 

                               This new year, as the skies light up with fireworks; the glittering stars are a cherry on the cake. This new year is a new beginning with old memories, with the hope of creating many memories ahead. But, Oh! the happy feelings which you buried deep, awaken them now; let yourself live and feel alive!   


                                                                                                      ~ Prabha Tiwari (B.Com) 

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