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Sunday, 26 December 2021

So Close Yet So Far by Sandugula Yathirajasri, BSC, FNZC, III Year

Picture Credit: Special Arrangement


So close, yet so far -

Like the Sun and the Earth we are!

I feel your eyes,

Assessing and absorbing my essence.

Yet I cannot meet your gaze,

Fearing I can no longer feign nonchalance.

You are always around,

Just within an earshot.

Yet I never take your name aloud,

For I can never again, say something so close to my heart.

You are just a few steps away,

Like the setting Sun, glowing on the horizon.

Yet I cannot let my feet sway,

For that surreal horizon is never close.

So close, yet so far - 

Like the Sun and the Earth we are!

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