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Sunday, 25 February 2024

"Valorous Women" - By Ayesha Siddiqua of BA First Year 

Picture Credit : Ayesha Siddiqua 

Be Bold enough to dream,
And brave enough to try,
Be Bold enough to use your voice,
And brave enough to listen your heart,
Be bold and brave, my beautiful queens.

Dare to believe that you can,
Dare to make your dreams a reality,
Dare to live your life limitlessly,
Dare to be yourself,
Be bold and strong enough,
To live a life you've always dreamt of.

Sunday, 18 February 2024

"Crumbling Kinship : A Tapestry of Gratitude and Betrayal" - By Prakarshitha Borra of BA Final Year 

Picture Credit : Special Arrangement 

In shadows of kinship, trust was sown,
A family’s embrace, a haven to own.
Yet, the ties that bound, so fragile, so thin,
Crumbled beneath the weight of the unseen.

In halls of family, echoes of strife,
Where once was solace, now a fractured life.
Friends, once allies, turned to wield the knife,
A narrative of betrayal, cutting like a scythe.

Siblings, once pillars, now shattered and torn,
A heart once whole, in fragments is worn.
Extended kin, once a sanctuary, now scorned,
A trust obliterated, a foundation mourned.

Through wreckage of hopes, I bear the weight,
A soul battered, a spirit in its direst state.
Blame not cast on those who participate,
For my trust, my own, I must re-evaluate.

In this crucible of pain, gratitude finds its voice,
To friends, to parents, to siblings, a choice.
To the ones who broke me, yet offered a lesson,
A conflicted thank you, a bittersweet confession.

For every betrayal, a mirror to my soul,
A reminder to rebuild, to regain control.
In the ruins of trust, a chance to be whole,
A journey of healing, a narrative to inscroll.

So here’s my gratitude, wide and vast,
To every actor in this intricate cast.
In the tapestry of life, lessons amassed,
A thank you to the present, a farewell to the past.

Sunday, 11 February 2024

“Hey Girl” – By R.Srivally of B.SC MPCS First Year

Picture Credit : Special Arrangement 

If you think you don't have enough clothes, 
Be grateful to atleast own them.
Your parents refrain from sending you after 9pm,
Yet, they do send you before 9pm. right?
You say, they don't respect your choices,
Atleast they gave you choices.
You say, you are not allowed to go for night outs,
But at least you go out in day time.
You say your parents are too harsh on you, 
But atleast thank god you have them.
They love you a lot because you are their child.

Sunday, 4 February 2024

“Embracing Tranquility” - By Desai Deepa Samirav of BA First Year

Picture Credit : Special Arrangement 

In this gentle current, there is a brief respite from chaos around. Here, the world’s dissipates and we savour this fleeting escape from reality. In this tranquil embrace, we find a momentary freedom, wishing time would stand still.
Yet, we know this serenity is temporary, a brief pause from life’s relentless current. But every stolen moment like this, renews our spirits, offering a glimpse of peace amid the storm. As the water carries us forward, we are all reminded that amidst all life’s turbulence, we all deserve moments of weightlessness, where we can simply be and breathe.