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Sunday, 6 October 2019

Report Of The Good Talk Factory Event - Syeda Mariya

The Good Talk Factory (TGTF), a community based in Hyderabad, organized an event on 7th September, 2019 in collaboration with The Quills Literary Club of RBVRR Women's College, with the theme as PRERNA (Inspiration). The two-hour session was held at the auditorium of RBVRR Women's College from 10 AM, and hosted by Sri Lashya of BBM I Year.

The Program was initiated with a prayer song rendered by Sravanthi and Nikshiptha from BBM I Year. This was followed with a classical dance performed by student Monika. Dr. Jhilam Chattaraj, program coordinator and chief editor the Quills club, introduced Mr. Raghu Duth Degala, Founder of TGTF. In his speech, Mr. Raghu recalled that he started this organization with the objective of bringing to limelight 'the untold stories of people' 
which would inspire and motivate the audience. The aim was to provide one with a platform to share their personal stories and experiences, which could make a difference in another's life. 

The Keynote speaker of the event was Ms. Indu Gopalakrishnan, who spoke on the importance of mental health. She also briefly spoke about her voluntary work helping women deal with and overcome mental health issues. Ms Bushra, performed a spoken word poem, taking pride in belonging to the LGBTQIA community and conveyed a strong message that everyone should be treated the same irrespective of gender, sexuality; and that there's no shame in belonging to the Queer community. 

An open mike session was held where the students of the College took to the stage to narrate their own struggles. The speakers, Hiranmayee, Syeda Mariya, Vaishnavi and Tasleem moved the audience with their heart-felt speeches on issues like religious prejudice, sexual abuse, poverty and stage fear. Their words left a lasting impression on the audience, long after the curtains were drawn. Mehek from BBM II Year and Abhiroopa from MsCs II Year also recited poems on topics such as teenage struggles. A number of cultural programs were also held after the open-mike session. Hafeeza and team (BBM II Years) enacted a skit, while Chanchal and group (BBA I Year) performed a beautiful dance. Both the performances were layered with themes such as teenage angst and depression, to raise awareness.

A short narrative performance by poet Alick Bailey left the audience captivated and wanting for more. The performance was based on an anecdote from Mr. Alick's own life with a subtle moral message in it. The event came to an end with Principal Dr. Sarada, Head of Department of English, Suchithra Ma'am and Dr. Jhilam felicitating Mr. Raghu and his team members. A donation corner was also organized in the event where students donated books, toys, clothes and eatables.