Here is my review of the book Waves by Sharon Dogar.
They say "Don't judge a book by its cover" but I am glad I did. I was sure that this would be a very interesting one.
It was a a breathtaking story of a brother and sister.
When the whole Ditton family goes to Cornwall during summer vacation, Hal begins to hear the voices of his dead half sister, Charlie. Hal discovers strange things going around him, and starts to dig up the truth behind Charlie's mysterious accident leading him to more unbelievable truths.
My Reviews
"Sometimes, I think the sea nearly killed her, loved her so much that it didn't want to her give her back". This is the best phrase I came across the whole book. It expresses the anger and the depression Hal was suffering from after losing his sister.
The way Hal fights himself, not to go into the thoughts of Charlie was amazingly described.
Sara has the best role in the whole book. She was always there to console the family with her overloaded cuteness, whenever the family felt emptiness, without Charlie.
I didn't like the part where Hal blamed Charlie for being in coma and making his mum suffer.
Jack, who grew close to Hal turns out to be Pete's sister. It made me think of Jack as one of the convicts in Charlie's accident, but to my surprise she was not and this made me more curious about the ending.
But , the ending seemed to be less mysterious (which is the only part that disappointed me).
Here is my review of the book House Of Cards by Sudha Murthy.
I like the way Sudha Murthy expresses her thoughts in a simple and beautiful manner.
Sudha Murthy selects a very appropriate topic and tries to convey the message to every Mridula who suffers silently.
The message i gained, was that every girl should have a dream of her own. A woman sacrifices everything for her family but doesn't get anything in return. No woman gets equal importance from her family.
Here in this story Mridula, a small town girl marries Sanjay from Mumbai, after which her life changes.
This story tells how money can corrupt an innocent mind .
This story also tells how important it is to have trust in any relationship. As Sanjay gets more greedy to this materialistic world, the distance between Sanjay and Mridula, expands considerably. The more Sanjay starts earning money, the less he is concerned about Mridula. Though Mridula was extremely hurt because of Sanjay, she bears it all, but couldn't take it when Sanjay breaks her trust.
Mridula while going to a psychiatrist tells us how frustrated she is mentally.
The way Sanjay and her family behaves upsets her so much that she decides to leave everything and live life her own way, which explains us that there is a limit to any woman's patience.
Overall, I think this is a beautiful book which is worth a read.