Wednesday 30 December 2015

Three Women's Tales: Experiments in Flash fiction (Phase Two)

QLC is proud to present three stories by three wonderful Women!

Hope you like them!

Title: Betrayed!
Author: Vanisha Srnidhi
Genre: Drama

Rahul and Pankaj had been good friends since their childhood. They spent their young life in the narrow winding streets of Bidar. They both went to the same school. Rahul was an ambitious and self-assured person. He was light-hearted in a hail-fellow-well-met sort of way and always hankered for a good future. His self-governing skills were fancied by everyone around him whereas Pankaj was always in need of someone or something for financial or other kind of support. He had a skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion about which Rahul was unaware. He ran after credit for most of the times.  Despite of having two different mindsets, their friendship seemed to continue.

During their graduation, they studied in the same college. Two years passed by. As per their college curriculum, all the students of aeronautical engineering were scheduled to do a minor project, individually. Rahul’s concept on Air tractor (Single Engine Airplane)-Design verification was evocative. Pankaj had could think of nothing important or interesting. The days passed and he remained blank.  Exactly, a week before the project presentation, he stole the abstract and primary data (which consistedof data gathered through practical experience) of his friend. On the other side, Rahul didn’t know about his friend’s wickedness but he did not panic for what happened.
 He had kept aside the primary data on another project “Balloon Satellite Projection”. On the day of the presentation of the project, he was dazed by his friend’s betrayal though he was not angry.  As usual, Pankaj got huge applause and appreciation for his project work which did not belong to him. Later, in a vis-à-vis conversation with his friend, Rahul said, “Well! I’m not angry for what you did. I will forgive you because there is no life without forgiveness.”
 After listening to his friend’s soothing message, Pankaj was ashamed for what he did. He felt low about himself and could not even make an eye-contact with his friend. He experienced a pang of guilt.

Moral: Do not work for the sake of credit or fame. Hard work and sheer determination is the only key to success.


Title: What dreams may come?
Author: Sneha Das
Genre: Fantasy

Don't know where I am. The sky is so bright and clear. I think I am alone in this whole world. Oh! What is this stain on my dress? Is this the stain of blood? Mom and Dad, where are you?” I screamed. “Please come back...I am afraid!” Then I got up and I moved on to one direction, and on the way I saw many people including children lying on the ground.” What is wrong with this place? Why are the people here looking like dead bodies? Is there no one who can answer me?” I screamed aloud. I cried a lot but there was no one to wipe my tears. I think I lost my family; it appeared like some kind of world war had taken place. The fire had blown away the buildings. Everything was destroyed because of explosion.

        And suddenly, I heard mom scolding me “Wake up, it’s already 8 a.m. and you have to get ready for college ". When I woke up, I remained horrified but later on, I was literally very happy thinking my dream is not the reality. I prayed to god that it will be the worst, if this turns into a reality; so never let this happen. 
         The world thinks that bombs, guns, rifles and other war gadgets have bought pride to nations. According to me, these can only cause destruction to human life and nature. God has created the whole world and human beings do not have the right to destroy it. Through the help of gadgets we can win any war. We can achieve victory but no one will survive the aftermath. There will be no one to celebrate our victory. So it will be better if the world stops itself for a while...takes a deep breath and rests for one or two minutes and then starts a new journey from the beginning. 


Title:A Big Mistake
Author: Shaik Shabnam 
Genre: Drama

There was once a young girl named Rani who was born into a poor family. She lived with her mother and father. Rani was pampered a lot by her parents. Her father was a daily wager and her mother worked as a domestic help at Mrs. Reddy’s house. Though they were poor, yet they were happy and tried to fulfil their daughter's wishes.  Like many other parents, they struggled to give her a good life.
        One day, Rani's mother took her along to her work place. As it was a festive season, Rani's mother was asked to stay back and work for some more time. Rani’s mother instructed her to sit silently while she completed her work and came back. She sat calmly and ate the snacks given by her mother. She was licking her fingers, when Mrs. Reddy  noticed  and scolded Rani saying, "you dirty girl! Stop licking. You are making my house untidy".
    Rani saw the children playing outside; they were all dressed in their best clothes. Rani looked messy and sloppy among them. She wanted to play with them but was afraid. So she leaned against a pillar and began simply watching them. At that moment, Mrs Reddy came and again shouted at her saying, "hey girl stand away from there. You are spoiling the wall".
         Rani quietly moved away. A girl named Ria almost of Rani’s age asked her to join and play. Rani was so glad that she immediately ran towards them. Mrs Reddy was Ria's mother. She came there and warned Rani not to play with them and instead help her with work. She was asked to arrange the footwear of the guests that were spread all over. After finishing the work Rani in a playful spirit went to play. Mrs Reddy again called Rani but as she was busy playing, she refused to do work. Mrs Reddy was angry and she felt insulted when Rani refused to listen to her. Mrs Reddy abused her and called her arrogant.  
 Suddenly Ria fell down and got hurt badly. Her hand began to bleed. Rani helped her getting up and tried to console Ria. Everyone gathered , including Rani's mother. Mrs Reddy slapped Rani and blamed her for Ria's injury. Rani's mother stood silently, her heart was filled with sorrow and tears rolled out of eyes. Rani quickly ran to her mother and hugged her tightly. Rani asked her mother that what mistake had she made that Mrs Reddy was always blaming her for things she did not do?

Her mother replied in a sad voice, “we are born poor  and that is our "BIG MISTAKE ".

 Other stories? 
 On the way :))

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