Tuesday 29 December 2015

Three Women's Tales: Experiments in Flash Fiction (Phase One)

QLC is proud to present stories by some of the phenomenal women of R.B.V.R.R

In this post we have three  very interesting stories.

These tales were written during a workshop on Flash fiction conducted by the Department of English, R.B.V.R.R Women's College. 

Title: Surprise Me Quick
Author: Isha Mer
Genre: Comedy

“Yayy, it is party time!!".  I was so excited but suddenly realised that I misplaced my car keys. I started searching for it. Then I went near my car, thinking that I might have dropped it there. Suddenly, I felt that someone was following me. I turned to look but found no one. I panicked and started running as fast I could. I ran far away from the club. I looked back again and again and saw a man following me. I couldn't see him clearly as it was raining. The man followed me till my house. I ran upstairs and locked myself up in my house and heaved a sigh of relief. Then, I heard my door bell ring. For a moment,  I completely  lost my sense. Then I opened the door and saw a man. He was drenched in water and was holding a bunch of keys. He handed the keys to me saying "Your keys, Madam". For a moment, I was happy and wanted to dance all around. I thanked the person and offered him a cup of coffee. Then I realised that something was strange. I asked him, "How did you know that those are my keys?" He took out a knife from his pocket and said, "I always like to make an entrance like that, you know".
 And then I heard the director say, "CUT".

Title: An Unusual Wish
Author: Shaikh Sameera Banu
Genre: Drama

Once upon a time, there was a young and ambitious king. One day he made a very unusual wish. He wanted to touch the moon. Immediately, he met his ministers. They suggested the King to order the finest carpenter in kingdom to build a tower to the moon. The king was excited, he wanted to reach the moon as soon as possible.

The carpenter arrived in no time. He said that he could finish the work in three days. The king became furious and said that he wanted the job to be done before three days. If the carpenter failed, he would have to   face death. The carpenter replied that, “I can build a tower but there is not enough woods. If you order all country men to give the wooden boxes they have, then I can make a tower in no time at all”. The king felt hopeful and again ordered the people of this kingdom to submit all their boxes to him.  The king was very happy  when he saw the carpenter put the boxes on top of each other. He got so excited that in the evening itself, he started  climbing the boxes.  After several attempts,  he reached the last box and stood on it. Then he stretched his hand but could not touch the moon. He was disappointed but did not give up. Thus, he stretched little more and finally lost balance. He fell down and all boxes fell on him.  The king did not survive. He remained buried under the heap of innumerable boxes.

Title: Not the same old Titanic!
Author: Vidhi Purohit
Genre: Comedy

"Don't jump!" he yelled while running towards the girl standing at the edge of the ship. "I am not, it’s just my selfie stick which fell down", she replied. The guy gave her a weird look and somehow pulled her out. "Hi! I am Jack" he said. "Rose" she replied bluntly, ignoring the handshake. "Would you like some coffee?" he offered. "Hell no! Only green tea, I am on a diet", answered Rose. Slowly, our hero and heroine became close and turned into best friends. Few days later, they got to know about the "Ice bucket challenge" and decided to participate. But little did they know that they would soon be faced with an iceberg challenge!

A few days later, their ship hit an iceberg and started to sink. Jack and Rose were unaware of this catastrophe at first, because they were busy taking a selfie with the iceberg. However, the ship started sinking at full tilt as it was, after all, made in China. All they managed to do was to find life jackets for themselves and a wooden plank which could hold only one person. Jack told Rose to get on the plank. Rose looked surprised, because gallantry was a fast vanishing trait in the current times. 

"Look! A Mentos!", pointed Rose, at the wrapped gum floating a few inches away. She took it and the moment she ate it, she got an idea! "Give me your jacket, quick!" she said. She took both the life jackets and placed them underneath the wooden plank which made it float. "Whoa! You're a genius!" complimented Jack. "This is why education is necessary, my friend." she taunted.
 It seemed that her “genius” had almost saved them, when, most unfortunately, a shark appeared out of nowhere and swallowed them whole. 

 Other stories coming soon!!

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