Wednesday 30 December 2015

Three Women's Tales: Experiments in Flash Fiction (Phase Three)

QLC is proud to present three wise authors of  R.B.V.R.R

 Stories about Belief, Wisdom and Care

Title: Dreams to Come True
Author: A.Nikitha 
Genre: Drama

Once in a village near Banaras, there lived a poor man called Shamu and a shopkeeper named, Bansi Lal. One day Shamu went to Bansi Lal's shop. Bansi Lal asked Shamu, "Why are you standing here?" Shamu said, "Last night I had a strange dream."
"What was the dream about?" Bansi Lal smiled.
" I saw that I will be getting gold here, in front of your shop", Shamu replied seriously.

Bansi Lal laughed and said, "You fool, dreams do not come true. If one would become rich just by dreaming then I'll tell you what I saw in my dream. I dreamt that there was gold underground in your backyard. Now you see this isn't true. Dreams don't come true."

Shamu was dejected on hearing Bansi Lal’s words but he rushed back home. On the way back to his home he kept thinking that may be dreams do come true. He reached home and started digging his backyard. To his surprise, his shovel struck something! He was amused to find a pot of gold!

That day Shamu was not only happy that he became wealthy but he also had his belief restored in the fact that “dreams do come true”.

One should always believe in his or her dreams and have the courage to fulfil them.  

Title: An Honest Peasant's Judgement Day
Author: Suvidha Laharika
Genre: Drama

Once lived a poor peasant who worked hard throughout the day to fill his stomach. He believed that being candid and working hard will pay someday and that the omnipresent Lord would answer all his prayers.

While returning home after another laborious day, he found a small cloth bag and when he opened it he learned that it was full of gold ornaments. For a second he thought that he had at last found a way out of poverty but the very next second he realized that the owner of the valuables would be searching for it. Finally, he decided to find the owner of the bag and return it to him.

After searching for a week he became tired and decided to give up and leave the bag where it was found. Then to his surprise, he saw an announcement claiming the bag. He was happy that he was not on a wild goose chase as it was stated that the bag belonged to a rich goldsmith and whoever would return it back or convey any message about it would be rewarded suitably. In the excitement of high expectations, the peasant went to gold smith to handover the bag. He reached goldsmith’s house and returned the bag and asked for the reward.

To his dismay, the goldsmith refused to give him his due reward. In this grief, the peasant approached the court for justice and court house had called upon both to go for a trial and give a judgment. The peasant shared what had happened. In order to escape from his promise, the greedy goldsmith shed a few tears and said that there were diamonds with gold ornaments in the bag which were found missing.
But the judge had understood the selfish desires of goldsmith. He adjudged that since the goldsmith’s bag had gold ornaments as well as diamonds, the bag found by the peasant could not have been the goldsmith’s. The judge ordered the peasant to find the definite owner of the bag and return it to him and, in case he doesn’t find the real owner, he could keep it as a gift from the court as a reward for his honesty. The peasant returned home happy at the end.

“Being honest always pays, may be not immediately but definitely.”

Title: Remembering Tom
Author: Dolly Agarwal
Genre: Drama

It was my birthday when I first saw my dog. My parents had gifted me. I was so happy when I saw him. In fact, I was very excited. But I used to stay away from him because my Mother once told me that if the dog bit me, I would have to go to the doctor and get an injection.

But slowly I got attached to him. I named him "Tom". I used to play with him. We ate  together, slept together and did many more things. He became almost my best friend.

Suddenly, one day, he felt sick and we took him to the doctor. The doctor advised us to leave the Tom in hospital. I felt terrible and cried a lot.  I did not want to leave him. But Mom said that if we left him there he would get better treatment and recover soon.

  To my surprise after one week, on the festival of Teej, he came back to me. I was so happy. I asked the doctor about his health and he told that Tom was perfectly alright. Ever since that incident, he has been with me and our friendship has become stronger.

 The Flashiest Flash fiction is on the way...Take look at the next post!

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