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Sunday 23 June 2024

"Pani Puri" - By Bhumika Raikote of BA Final Year 

Picture Credit : Bhumika Raikote 

In conversations with self and friends,
About daily struggles and stress,
Until discussions, chickpeas heat up,
And move into the puri’s delight,
Dipped in the flavorful, greenery-infused, spicy water.

Mouth watering in anticipation,
Taste buds eager to savor, 
The spice as struggles,
Sweetness alike happiness,
Heat with chilled peace,
In a bowl, served as a treat,
At the end of an eventful time.

The burst of the puri,
In the world of tastebuds,
Reveals the crisp,
And mixture of flavors.

As one chews and
Moves through the food pipe,
The eagerness for the next puri,
To feel the same again,
Until the taste soul satisfies.

Whether, joyfully unbound,
Sorrowfully constrained,
Weary as toil, or languid as a snail,
Pani puri enchants every emotion.

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