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Sunday 2 June 2024

"Mom" - By Hafsa Ahmed of B.Sc FNZC Second Year 

Picture Credit : Hafsa Ahmed 

As her final child,
Yet, never the least cherished,
Her love, my breath's sustainer,
In chaos, her warmth my solace.

When sickness gripped, her tears fell,
She, the tender hand that dried,
Every tear, unfailing,
In her thoughts, I'm never forgotten.

The gem of my existence,
Her presence, my motivation,
Urging me onward, never to falter,
Her heart, a mirror of her beauty.

Eyes, bearing burdens profound,
Yet, love endures, undeterred,
Despite unreciprocated affections,
In moments of despair.

She's the beacon amidst darkness,
Her love, the remedy,
To dwell in her company,
As friend, daughter, and mother.

Is all I seek, all I need,
For true happiness to blossom.

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