Sunday 5 November 2023

“Last semester” - By Swaroop Kanwar of BA Final Year

Picture Credit : Special Arrangement

Here begins our last semester, the last phase of a long journey of three years. This will be the last time we copy the subject syllabus in our notebooks, roam around the college campus during the free hours and plan the college events. Eventually, the last time, we all saying each other, “five missions successfully accomplished, last one to be passed”. We joined, unaware of what we want to do, life tried to get us on the right track, maybe we turned slightly a bit towards it, but still a very long way to go. The upcoming five months seems to be very complicated, many thoughts have to be untangled, pack our bag of memories, that we would always hold dear, carry the warmth of love and wisdom acquired by our teachers, that would guide us in our forthcoming journey, and to answer the most crucial question, “What's next?”
So, lets begin our way towards this precious and vital span of time with the will of making this phase much more productive, memorable and effective.

And truth it is that, time flies very fast.

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