Sunday 24 September 2023

“Uninvited” - By N.Sahithi Reddy of B.Sc. FNZC Final Year 

Picture Credit : Special Arrangement 

There comes an uninvited guest
When one is lost in ignorant mist, 
Neither face nor body, comes only a form
No noise no call, how to spot such form?

In the middle of crowd, only known by host
When one is lost in worldly lust,
Neither direction nor path, comes only regret
Nor hurtle nor sluggish, comes truth we neglect.

For soil on earth residing my body, it has come 
For air that swings in my framework, it has come 
For fire melting from form to formless, it has come 
And I was ash drown in eternal time of water.

Crossing cosmos, towns, streets whispers tonality 
Least did it expect, I embrace this organic reality
Sipping black tea it sat, took my hospitality
Blissful was I at the end of this cruelty.

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