Wednesday 23 February 2022

"VAMPIRISM" - A Poem by P. Navyasri, BA, III Year 

Picture Credit: Special Arrangement


My guy-friends are vampires,

I shut off my human feelings.

My best friend is a witch,

She always rescues me.

My childhood friend is a werewolf,

He disappears on full moon days.

My brother is a vampire hunter,

A kid too innocent to kill someone.

The curse has begun working on me,

I'm the reason, I have to break free.

The Originals are waiting for my word,

But my supernatural friends don’t let me.

The witches are spelling and chanting,

The hybrids are sired by the Originals.

Slowly I'm turning into a vampire,

But I’m the last of a 

It feels like you are touching,

Every nerve of my body.

Everything is heightened,

I’m a blood sucker and a ripper.

Losing someone you love is the

Worst thing; I thought, but I was wrong,

The worst feeling is in the moment -

When you realize you have lost yourself.

                                                                               ~ P. Navyasri (BA)


  1. Replies
    1. Your writing is so beautiful because you always know the right word for the right moment. All the best Navya 👍👏
