Sunday 27 February 2022


Picture Credit : Special Arrangement

                               THE COURAGE TO WITHSTAND ANYTHING

                           It is said that life gives us many problems, but we should be willing to face any circumstances that life throws at us. As life goes on, there are new challenges and more problems for us to solve. No matter what happens in your life, always face it with a smile. “They were times when I used to enjoy my life to its fullest, but suddenly one day, in my sixth grade, I had this terrible pain in my left ear, which was so immense that I couldn't bear it. After school, I went home and informed my parents about it, but they did not take it seriously. As years passed, my left ear continued to ache, and I just couldn’t endure it.  I passed my sixth grade with flying colours despite the pain. I entered tenth grade but the pain in my ear was still there - insufferable. My parents then realized that it was serious and took me to a hospital in Mehdipatnam. Over there, skilled and experienced doctors were surprised by how I had tolerated the pain for so long. My parents got to know that I had a hole in my ear drum since this deadly contaminated disease has fully damaged my left ear. I was hospitalized immediately.

                           The board exams of my tenth grade were approaching; for me, this is what it was like, I was in the operating room on the table, the nurse inserts an IV needle in my arm and starts a dip, they anaesthetize me. When I woke up, I was on some powerful analgesic drugs, it actually took me a while to figure out what was going in and out of my consciousness. My journey through an eight hour surgery,  was delicate and a complicated case for the doctors. Later on, I was told that the doctors had successfully cleaved it out and I had eight stitches behind my left ear. I thanked the Almighty God for this. I was scared that my final exams were at hand. People around me said that I shouldn't stress about my exams, as I could repeat my tenth grade next year. But my inner soul did not give up and my gut feeling told me that I had to crack it! I was reluctantly prepared to write my exams, with how much ever I studied. As I finished my exams, I was eagerly waiting for my results. To everyone’s surprise, I scored an overall CGPA of nine(9.0). My parents were proud of me and congratulated me on my success. My recovery was also made possible by all the medicines prescribed by the doctors.

                           Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all !!

                                                                                                 ~Shazia Salama (BSC, BTCFS)

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