Thursday 18 June 2020

Pandemic Literature: "The Hunger Pandemic" - A Poem by Aishwarya Lakkakula

The Hunger Pandemic

The clock struck six,
Painting the sky in a blue-black mix.

The town shined so bright,
Bathing in the silent street light.

The blood-fleshed robots on the roads,
Were busy driving their costly Fords.

I sat lonely in the Gokul Chat,
Typing away in a WhatsApp chat.

On hearing a soft whine and a ‘bow-wow’
I made up my mind to look around.

Skimming across the cigarette smog,
My eyes encountered a grey stray dog.

It neither had chubby cheeks,
Nor food since the past few weeks.

The dog was looking thin and pale,
Reminding me of a poor man in a moral tale.

Its food was at the mercy of a daily customer,
Who was sure to save some leftovers.

The dog was hungry and eager,
To get his paws on the leftovers.

The day came to an end,
And I had a new, grey friend.

The clock strikes four,
Painting the sky in a blue-white pour.

The roads are quiet in a formerly busy town
That now, sleeps in lockdown.

I was alone on the roads,
Shocked to see no more Fords.

Lo! I see the grey face,
Lying down in the same place.

It's the dog!
My friend, my friend... I was frightened.

But the dog wasn’t eager to eat leftovers;
It was neither moving nor barking.

The dog died of hunger,
Having stuffed its mouth with a polythene cover.

I let my heart weep silently
And imagined it was just asleep.

This lock-down succeeded in tackling the pandemic
But failed to fight the Hunger Pandemic.

Novel Coronavirus is an extreme danger,
That eats away at the life of a pauper.

                                                                        - Aishwarya Lakkakula (BA 1st year)


  1. Penned realistically through the eye of a poet with good visual images reel in front of our eyes. Wonderful words knitted together. Congratulations.

  2. Yeah! Great words about of today's situation

  3. A very realistic description of the Corona situation and the condition of stray animals.Also the idea of the dog dying through choking of polythene bags is a message to many careless educated folks of our society.
