Friday 12 June 2020

Pandemic Literature : "Aliens and Superheroes" - Flash Fiction by Meera Saheba & Tahreen Fatima

Alien Source 

The spaceship descended amongst the trees as a boy ran towards it. First contact wasn’t documented by scientists. A boy who knew no better and an alien child that didn’t understand: a simple handshake, to the hug the boy and his mother shared, to a business meeting she went to; sickness ran amok the people due to a virus of questionable source called the Corona Virus. The world was at home in a wretched Pandemic. The mother alien realized that it was her child’s fault. She used all her superpowers to kill the virus, her child never saw her again.

                                                                                      -   Shaik Meera Saheba (BSc BtCFs 2nd year)

A Letter To Our 'Marvel'ous Heroes

Dear bravest heroes of Earth,

Our Avengers,

The world has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic. After we faced and mourned the heroic deaths of Iron Man and Black Widow, we've definitely become so strong, we can even face a deadly virus.
I hope and pray that all of you are in the best of your health.

Thank you to our friendly neighbourhood Spiderman, for keeping robberies at bay.

Dearest Cap, are you training Sam Wilson to be the new Captain? Because he already saved us from armed men… twice.

Dear Incredible Hulk, thank you for helping us create awareness among people to take necessary precautions.

Dear Hawkeye, thanks for taking down people who stole and bought an unnecessary amount of toilet paper.

And thank you Scarlet Witch, for helping the traffic inspectors maintain traffic and check on people.

Thank you Antman, for helping and carrying people to the hospital.

Incredible Hulk, I hope that you and the scientists succeed in your ventures, and find a possible cure for this deadly disease.

Finally, dear God of Thunder, this might sound crazy, but please take care and stay in shape so that you don't manipulate the weather to be this bad  some areas in my city are being flooded every time it rains.

Take Care.

We love you 3000.

                                                                                        ­- Tahreen Fatima (BSc BtCFs 2nd year)

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