Wednesday 1 March 2017

When Tragedies come in Battalions: Grace Remembers the Horrific Accident that Changed her life

I still remember that night. It was 3 February, 2009. I was travelling to Nizamabad from Hyderabad with my family. We were on our way to our aunt's funeral. My father's dear sister had passed away and we were just hours away from witnessing her last rites. 

It was 3. am in the morning. I was asleep when a loud crash woke me up.  I had severe pain in my chest. I could not believe what I saw next. My father, mother and brother were lying unconscious and bleeding profusely. I was the only one who was conscious. For a few minutes, I remained frozen with fear, disbelief and confusion. 
And then I realised that come what may,  I was the only one who could do something to save my family. I immediately got out of the car in search for help. I saw a petrol station and immediately ran towards it only to see it closed. 
I was crying and screamed for help. I prayed to god to show me a way. 
Then, after sometime, I saw a van approaching the deserted highway. The driver stopped to help me. He learnt about my situation and  immediately called 108. With in a few minutes an ambulance reached us. All of us were shifted to the nearest hospital. My mother and brother were in a critical condition. I was scared.  I did not want to lose them. The only thing that I could do was pray, believe in the doctors and hope for the best. All I wanted at that moment was to see my family return to health and come back together. 
My brother and mother were operated upon and gradually recovered. It was a Black day in our lives. Now, when I think about it, I feel scared but also brave. It changed me as a person and my perspective towards life.  The accident taught me to value my family and be grateful to life for simply being healthy and alive. It also showed me the power of prayer, faith and above all Hope.

Grace Evangilina


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