Wednesday 1 March 2017

I Will be Back: Navya Remembers her Days at Hyderabad Literary Festival, 2017

I recently participated in the Hyderabad Literary Festival 2017, as a volunteer. When I heard about HLF, I was interested and as well as  a little nervous. HLF is an international event where writers, artists and well-known personalities  from all over India and abroad come. I was doubtful, if I was suitable for the event.
However, after attending the first meeting, I understood that HLF would be a wonderful experience. 

Ready for HLF!

HLF seemed like a cakewalk. Far from assignments, records, lectures, it was a much welcome break in my routine life. Activities in HLF did become challenging at times, but I enjoyed it all.
And that's my workstation!
Oh Yes! We made a killing Deal! :)

Initially, I was given the opportunity to volunteer for the ‘Merchandise Selling’ committee. But, I was skeptical, because I thought that I did not have good communication skills and also could not mingle with others. Then, we arranged all the merchandise on the HLF bandi and when we started selling the merchandise, I enjoyed it very much. I realised that I could mingle with others easily and even communicate with them without any hesitation.

Not just deals, I made friends too! :)
As, I was a volunteer,I could not attend the workshops and also the film screenings. But I saw the flash mob and the ‘Gusadi’ dance by folk dancers from ‘Adilabad’ district.
It was an entertaining performance. I saw the ‘Choli ke peeche’ drama based on Mahaswetha Devi’s writings i.e., ‘Sthan Dayi’. The actors rocked the stage. They performed it very well.
Life has changed after HLF. I joined back to college with a new vigour and energy. I am confident and more assured of myself. I have realised that my thoughts about myself are not always true. I must trust reality and experience to show me the way to self-understanding.
I miss the fun, delicious food and the good times at HLF. And, I promise to be a part of this magnanimous event next year too, for some joyful moments and surprising discoveries.
With my College mates!

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