Tuesday 21 February 2017

Lost and Found: Megha Recollects her Uncanny Visit to Kulu Manali

Nature's Beauty 

I was in sixth standard, when suddenly my family planned a trip to Kulu Manali. It took about a week to finalize our travel plans.  
We made the journey by train with all our cousins and we played ludo, monopoly and all other possible games until we finally dozed off.
The next morning as soon as we woke up it was really a new world outside the window. We were somewhere near Nagpur, and we found ourselves in the middle of orange gardens and fragrant farms. It was very lovely and we passed the day simply gushing over nature's bounty.
Magical Mountains
The next day, we were scheduled to reach the station near Kulu and then travel to Manali. We got off the train and were excited to travel the winding ghat roads. Typically, we kept sliding off our seats. Although the travel was exhausting, the landscapes and scenery was worth all the effort.
That afternoon we planned to visit a nearby market. It was beautiful, full of travelers from all over the country, it was like a carnival. All our relatives bought clothes, carpets and other stuff. I found the artworks over there very interesting. I was glancing at them one by one, till I realized that I was no longer with my family. I was lost.
Misty Mountains
I went inside a shop. I told the shopkeeper of my plight and although he couldn’t understand Hindi, he could make out that I was lost so he asked me not to worry and took me to his home. His family was very kind to me but they couldn’t provide any food as they were very poor themselves. I stayed in their house for that night. The next morning, I asked him the way to the police station so that I could contact my parents but I learnt from him that the police station was down the hill, about 40 miles away.
I thanked him, and bid him good bye. I realized that the only way I could reach the police station was by hitchhiking the way down. After walking for 3 to 4 miles, finally, I could convince a family to help me. They left me at the station and went away. At the station, I told the police everything and asked for their help. They were really friendly and assured me that they would track my parents.
Suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind. I knew when my relatives would travel back. I thought we could get them at the railway station that day. The policemen too accepted this plan. But, it was a three day journey down to the railway station, and I didn't have a place to stay. Then a constable came forward to help, and I was thankful to him. I stayed there for 3 days. During my stay, the constable's wife wasn't very kind to me. She found that I was helpless and tried to make use of it. She made me do all household work and I could’t complain. I went through a lot of emotional stress in those three days. I missed my family deeply, I was worried I may never be reunited with them, and the constable's wife's behavior drove me to tears.
Alone like a bird, I waited to go home !
Finally the day came. I went to the police station they sent a man with me to the railway station and we waited there for our parents and after 2 hours of waiting my father walked in with all our relatives. My mother was crying and I could see them from a distance. I ran to them as fast as I could. All of them were wonder-struck to see me.
That was the time, I realized the importance of parents and how much they loved me. I felt blessed. My relatives inquired how I reached there and I started to narrate them this story…
K. Megha

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