Thursday 23 February 2017

It's Fan Fiction all the Way!: A report on QLC Meet,30.1.17

The Quills Literary Club organised a meeting on the 30th of January, 2017, the theme being Fan Fiction. The room was charged with an atmosphere of excitement. Our college Secretary/ Correspndent, Prof. K Muthyam Reddy and Vice Principal and Head, Department of English, Ms. Grace Sudhir, honored us with their presence. Muthyam Reddy Sir gave us invaluable suggestions for the progress of the Club, and appreciated the recent successes of the members, while acknowledging the contribution of the lecturers.  

Prof. K. Mutyam Reddy Sir Congratulating HLF volunteers from the QLC
Then began discussing the concept of Fan Fiction. The club's Organizing Secretary, Ms. Jhilam Chattaraj, first talked about the recent phenomenon that fan fiction is, and how it has changed the way modern readers, writers and movie-goers view pop culture these days. We then talked about how fan fiction has made activities like reading works of fiction or watching movies and TV shows, an inclusive experience, where the creative process flows into the viewer, making them come up with alternative or complementary story lines of their own.

Grace Ma'am shares her Fan Fiction
The members were then encouraged to talk about fan fictions they might have written or thought of, based on their favorite book, movie or TV show.
Pushpa Ma'am talks about her favorite fan theory
The session turned out to be extremely entertaining as we heard some interesting, unique and occasionally hilarious fan theories about the members' favorite fictional obsessions.
Special Guest for the Day, Ms. Anuradha, Department of Journalism

All Excited About Fan Fiction!
When someone is deeply engrossed in a literary form, they are captivated by the characters so much that they write  their own story with them. The members of the Club talked about many critically acclaimed series and movies and suggested their own versions of it. We listened with great attentiveness, improved our stories and widened the boundaries of imagination.

The debate over whether or not fan fiction is "real literature" was also touched upon. However, irrespective of the category we put this modern genre of literature into, fan fiction is here to stay. A work of creativity enhances our own creative abilities. Fan fiction arises from this creative sphere, and enables viewers and readers to connect better with not just the original work of art, but also its other followers all over the world, just like it allowed the members of the club to connect with each other, and discover similar passions.

 Fan Fictions Galore!

Guna Priya


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