Thursday 5 January 2017

Something Different: Dhanshree.K reviews the Book"Go Clown" by Shatrugna Vadwlas

If you're tired of the suspense, thriller and  supernatural genre of books, you must read Shatrugna Vadwlas's Go Clown (2016). This will surely be one of the most memorable books you will read.

The best part of this book is that it is written in a simple manner and is intelligible to everyone.

The name suggests that the book belongs to the comedy genre.

The story revolves around the life events of Kiriti who is the son of  a single mother. They are struggling for their daily livelihood. 

At first, I guessed the clown to be either Kiriti's best friend or some teacher. But, as I read the book, I found that he is the child inside Kiriti. 

Kiriti and the clown have completely different personalities. Kiriti is a silent one, who is not into people's personal affairs whereas "the Clown" always likes to to be involved in other people's lives, passing sarcastic remarks and making jokes. In a way, the clown is Kiriti's alter-ego. 

The book has overall twenty one chapters. Of all the 21 chapters, the 4th one is my favourite. The fourth chapter tells us about Kiriti's college life. This includes his friends, studies, exams and the way in which he faced ragging by his college-mates.

In the chapters 11&12, we read about Kiriti's NRI cousins who show their dislike towards Indians and India. These chapters were the one where Kiriti began to dream about living in the U.S.A.

In the 15th chapter, we see a letter written by Kiriti's alter-ego to Kiriti, which was beautifully crafted.

We also find many interesting quotes in the book and some inspirational conversations.  

In the latter parts, we see Kiriti joining politics to change the society for better and also his adventures in climbing the Mt. Everest and many more.

I don't wish to give any more spoilers, but I can definitely say that this is the kind of book which everyone will love.

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