Friday 30 December 2016

Breathe In, Breathe Out: Faizah Afreen has a Few Tips to Relax our Way Into Life

My favorite way to relax is a bit strange. My parents often find it hard to believe that I love to relax in this way. Well, this is not the only way I relax but definitely, this is my favorite one. 
To me relaxing and serenity are closely related. So I close the doors and windows of my room and light a low powered light bulb to cut the outside noise and bright light. I live in a busy urban area so it is usually noisy around me.
I turn on the CD player and play slow melodious songs. I close my eyes and try to recall the happy memories of my childhood. This gives me immense pleasure as most of my childhood memories are spellbinding and magical. If I remain like that for about half an hour, I start to feel a sensation  that is utmost pleasant. I remain half awake and half asleep and an hour is good enough for me to get fully recharged and refreshed. Whenever I feel stressed or depressed I try to relax in this way.

My well being is also due to my connection with music. Sitting on the balcony and listening to soft music is an out-of-the-world experience that I often enjoy. When I am at work, I use my iPod to listen to my favorite songs.

My second best way of relaxing is by meditating. Meditation can be a great way to relax, especially if you are under a lot of stress. And meditation is pretty simple to do: just find a comfortable place, close your eyes, relax your muscles, and focus on ONE thing, whether it's your breathing, an object (a flower, or a painting) — or even a picture in your mind. Even a 10 minute of meditation in the morning is very helpful.

The third best thing that I love is spending time with my friends and family. Since I love travelling, at times I love to hangout with my whole group of friends and go to an adventurous place where we could climb mountains or do any kind of adventurous activities or play games.
This helps me finding my own self.  

I request all of you to make some time for yourself. Dancing to your own favorite music number when no one is around is also a good way. Though it may sound a bit weird but for youngsters it shouldn't be a strange thing. When you know what you like and what you dislike and the ways in which you can feel relaxed and be stress-free then stress won’t even step into your room with you. A fifteen minute walk after a long tiring day also helps a lot.

This is how I try to make my life better every day. Take one day at a time and make the best use of it. Trust me! Life will smile at you :)

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