Friday 11 December 2015

Why Quills Literary Club?

Quest for Literature
Vanisha.Srinidhi.K BBMT 3rd Year
The main reason for joining the Quills Literary Club is that I’m obsessed with writing. I have an eye for literature and want to express about the world in my own words. Previously, when I heard about such Clubs in other colleges, I wished to have one in our college and finally when I saw the fascinating poster, my heart was filled with great enthusiasm. This is an opportunity where I can explore into the world of literature by enhancing my oration skills, communication skills and more sophisticated skills required for critical reading and effective writing. This is a huge platform where I can share my ideas, meet other students and network with like minded people. For students, this is a chance to learn about the hidden facts of English, to mingle, to share their views, to work and to conduct and participate in various events and competitions through which they can even confront their fears. And, lastly, to arouse keen interest among the students: to know about various writers and the works associated with English literature.
To Strive, to Seek, to Find and not to Yield!
J.Hepsheba II Year
  I want to join the Quills literary club so as to improve my written and communication and analytical skills. I like being bold and creative. I think this club could help me nurture my talents.   English is an international language, it is used widely around many parts of India to literate and educate people and also to hire them in work places. English plays a major role in present times. Hence, I chose to be a part of this club. I expect the club to provide us opportunities where we can come up with new ideas, so that we can develop our creative and logical thinking. It would be good if there is no partiality among students or teachers and also a friendly altitude towards club members.  Club may conduct various competitions or workshops to understand language more deeply. But I won't neglect my mother tongue: Telugu. I will respect it as well. I will try my best to work and participate as much as I can for the club and also for the college.   
A Club of One's Own
Deepthi Priya B.A Ist Year
I don't know much about literature.  However, whatever I came to know about it up to this semester has made me take interest in the subject. Every time, I attend literature classes, I experience the sheer of joy of reading: those fairy tales, fables, myths, legends and comics- all of them are like a movie which leads to my imaginative skills. The great legends of our literature are the poets who mould every story, novel, drama in a real way. Some of them are plays by Shakespeare, epics by Homer and John Donne's metaphysical poetry. I really feel refreshed in literature classes. I am excited to participate in the literary club. I believe it will be a learning experience.  The club, I hope will help me understand and critically evaluate the sea of literature the world has to offer. It's a great opportunity to improve my reading, writing and speaking skills.
I thank the department of English for creating such a beautiful platform.

Relief and Relish
Juveria Tabassum Ist Year

A notice board never looked so appealing.
“Quills Literary Club” proclaimed the pamphlet. Quite a few emotions started crowding my head- elation, gratitude, anticipation, to name a few. However, the relief I felt, overpowered all other thoughts.  Ever since I entered Enid Blyton’s blissful world as a ten year old, books and stories have been my only constant companions. They wiped out all my fears and gave me the invaluable gifts of wonder and imagination. They told me that nothing and absolutely nothing was impossible just as long as you’ve got enough nerve. They taught me compassion, respect, love; they continue to be the wise voice in my head, which almost always shows me a way out of any situation, and in case it can’t do that, I’ve at least got some wise-crack quote from some obscure novel, read some time in the past, to help me get through tough times with a smile.
A literary club would be my chance to meet fellow book lovers and discuss… nah… minutely examine the stories, characters, plots and, of course, plot twists that we all revere and enjoy so much. It would be the perfect outlet to share some of my experiences and in turn listen to, and learn from the experiences of the other members. Being a book lover leaves you slightly isolated from the society, as we can’t always talk about our passions with most people. Of course, I’ve given a very polite description of our situation- people usually refer to us as “nerds”.  The literary club would be a perfect platform for us all to open up, get to meet people and give voice to those opinions we’ve held for so long.
 The talk however, will not just be restricted to books. The themes, situations, events and scenarios of the world we live in can also be discussed and debated upon. Sharing thoughts and views on these matters will only broaden our outlook. Informed discourse on the matters of the present can lay the foundation for the change that is essential.
The Quills Literary Club has provided a stimulating start to the semester. I’m not exaggerating when I say that it would be an absolute dream come true to be given an opportunity to join up and be a part of this exciting venture.








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