Friday 11 December 2015

If Words be the Food of Love, Write On

A Message from the Chairperson, Ms Grace Sudhir

Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore says in the Gitanjali, that human beings are like small children playing with shells on the shores of a vast Ocean.
God is compared to the Ocean. He is the Creator and we are His creation. And when we create, we are sharing that attribute of creativity in a miniscule way. That attribute of creativity is a gift from God.
The Students who have joined the Club have exercised their choice, their inner inclination towards the beauty of literature - literature that embraces culture, values, philosophy, art and above all humanion.

John Keats famously said, “Beauty is Truth, truth  beauty" Truth  is expressed in Poetry, Fiction , Drama, Biography.

And, Beauty is everywhere, if we only have the inclination to see it.
Wordsworth once observed that "the tiniest flower moves me to thoughts too deep for tears”.
Writing has a cathartic effect, just as listening to poetry has.

 We believe that only a generation of readers can produce and inspire a

generation of writers. Inculcating a habit of reading, ability to analyse a text, to ponder on the beauty and the wealth of wisdom and then to create something that is beautiful and lasting through the appreciation of  
 literature both liberates and refines one's personality. As Tagore has said, “I got a fragrance and I searched the whole world for it, but I came back and found it blooming in my own heart”.

Similarly, our students will be engaged in two aspects of the Literary club:

1. Quest for Creativity 
2. Appreciation of Creativity

 As our students embark on this fragrant journey of giving expression to their hidden literary talents, the Department of English and I wish them the very best.


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