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Sunday 22 September 2024

"My Father" - By Tulasi Chendi of BBA First Year 

Picture Credit : Tulasi Chendi 

From the first breath, you held me tight,  
Through endless days and sleepless nights, 
You watched me stumble, fall, and stand,  
With patient eyes and guiding hand.

When others cheered for mother's grace,  
You stood behind, no need for praise,  
Yet every step I dared to take,  
Was rooted in the strength you'd make.

I saw the lines upon your face,  
Etched with love, devoid of place,  
In stories told or songs sung loud,  
Where mothers' are crowned so proud.

But Father, in your quiet way,  
You gave me more than words could say.
You built my world, stone by stone,  
A fortress strong, though all unknown.

Now at eighteen, I understand,  
The silent love, the unseen hand,  
Society may overlook your role,  
But, in my heart, you're my soul.

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