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Sunday 21 July 2024

"Father’s Sacrifice" - By Muskan Begum of B.Sc FSZC Second Year 

Picture Credit: Special Arrangement 

Everyone talks about mother’s care,
Yet, no one mentions father’s sacrifice. 
He works day and night without a complaint,
For his family’s happiness, he bears the pain.

His tired eyes tell stories of sleepless nights,
Working hard to make sure everything is right.
He sets aside his dreams, for his children’s sake,
Putting their happiness above all, without a break.

Through highs and lows, he stands strong and true,
A pillar of strength, a love pure and true.
He gives his all, without any regret,
To give his loved ones a life they won’t forget.

His love is silent, but strong and deep,
In his sacrifices, he keeps his family.
So, let’s not forget the father’s role,
In shaping our lives, in making us whole.

For every tear, every hug, every smile,
Is a result of his sacrifices, year after year.

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