Sunday 26 May 2024

"My Passion: Strokes of Expression" - By Safiyyah of BA Second Year

Picture Credit : Special Arrangement 

Painting is my passion,
I love to paint, it's a narration,
Of my brushes and colors,
I draw flowers, I love drawing.

I spread colors across the sheet,
I paint a parrot and a cage, 
It speaks without words, a profound
As painting is the universal language.

With every stroke, I bring life to the page,
A world of imagination, a vibrant stage.
Through art, Emotions spring to life,
A visual story for all to derive.

In hues and shades, I find my voice, 
A canvas, my playground, my ultimate choice,
With each masterpiece, I share a part of me, 
A glimpse into my soul, for all to see.

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