Sunday 7 April 2024

"Your Beautiful Eyes" - By Safiyyah of BA First Year

Picture Credit : Special Arrangement 

When I see your charming eyes,
Where all the untold secrets lie, 
Understanding your mysterious gestures, 
Seems as difficult as rolling a dice. 

It is purely white and cool like snow ice, 
Even if it holds hatred, it would still look nice, 
Even the glimpse of your eyes,
Can force many to die.

It shows your sensitivity when you weep, 
Shows your innocence when you sleep, 
It reflect the deepest of the deep, 
It will still express the silence you keep. 

Your lustrous eyes are like crystalline,
Sometimes your eyes lack happiness, 
And they still look fine,
Your stress never affects, it shine, 
And they are as addictive as wine.

Your eyes hold the attractiveness a jewel,
Hence, it feels like drowning into a well, 
Looking into your eyes, anyone would fall,
These eyes are enough to take me to hell. 

As you have these glamorous eyes, 
I wonder how beautiful the eyesight is, 
You need not groom your eyes, 
As I've already been poisoned by these.

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