Tuesday 26 March 2024

"Writing Culture And Identity" – Report Writing by Hafsa Ahmed of FNZC I Year

   On 6th March 2024, The Capacity Development Program - "Writing Culture And Identity" was organized by the Department of English and Foreign Languages in collaboration with Quills literary club. 

   Tenzin Tsundue a writer, poet and activist born and raised in India who writes and lives for the freedom and independence of Tibet. The session was started by his introduction as a refugee. He had a unique way of attracting the audience with his words. He said he tours colleges to inspire students to become writers and find their writing style. The writer shared his struggle story and his life stories as a Tibetan refugee studying literature and practicing writing In India.  

   The writer kept the audience entertained and active by asking questions and knowing the students opinions. He spoke about how he worked hard in his writings and never gave up inspite of receiving criticism. He shared his writing experiences and recited one of his poems, which was funny yet amazing and was highly adored and enjoyed by the students. The students really enjoyed his poem and were inspired to write and got an idea on how to write using one's culture. He ended the session by narrating a part of his short story and explaining it. The session was really useful and informative for the students and filled the atmosphere with enthusiasm and interest for writing. The students paid keen interest and attention to the writer throughout the session.

     He then introduced his poetry and short stories book "kora" and a book on Tibetan essays and short stories "Nowhere to call home". He brought a few copies of these for the students to buy, which the students purchased with great excitement and interest. The Head of the Department, Dr.M.Suchitra Madam felicitated him as a token of gratitude and respect.

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