Sunday 21 January 2024

"People Of Greatness" - By Safiyyah of BA I Year 

Picture Credit : Special Arrangement 

Nobody is successful by fate, 
Procrastination is their only hate. 
They are punctual to every gate, 
Neither they deny nor they're late. 

In every situation they'll be brave;
Hence we remember them,
Even if they reach to the grave, 
Success is the only thing, For which they crave.... 

Then comes a moment, 
Which takes everything from them like a wave. 

Story does'nt terminate here, As they restart, 
Having passion like an artist for his art. 
They always follow their plan, not the heart
If people drag them to negativity, they'll stay apart.

They'll never relinquish a rope, 
Which contains the strength of hope. 
They stand ever ready for cope, 
And never utter the word 'nope'.

Finally their battle of struggle won, 
After the hurt of millions of thorn, 
Fame is the vehicle which gives them a horn, 
They've lived the true life, not just born.

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