Sunday 7 January 2024

"In Search Of Myself" - By Hafsa Ahmed of B.Sc FNZC First Year 

Picture Credit : Special Arrangement 

I’m sorry if I don’t regard anything anymore,
I feel like I’ve lost myself entirely,
Nothing brings me joy anymore.
Even if I smile,
It’s a facade of happiness,
Just to avoid conversations.
I no longer wish to share or speak to anyone.

I just want solitude,
And seek inner peace,
Longing for a peaceful nap.
I don’t even cry anymore,
I cry when I least expect it.
These tears of mine,
Love flowing over my face like a river.

Aloof from studying and living,
Life holds no allure anymore,
Just endure each day.
Day by day,
The pains and burdens
Growing heavier,
Making it more harder to move on and keep going.

Why do the tiniest things hurt me ?
Why am I desolating myself,
When I don’t wish to.
I’m in search of myself
For so long I seem lost,
Somewhere so far away, from where
No one can find me, nor rescue me.

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