Sunday 16 July 2023

“Mirror of Failure” - By Swaroop Kanwar of BA Final Year 

Picture Credit : Special Arrangement 

It showed me the way,
The way I was searching for since my sixteens,
It enlarged my capabilities
To acquire, what I desire.

The more times I hunted
For a reflection of me in it,
The more it constructed,
The perfection in me.

All my cannot’s flipped into can’s,
And success was clearly visible,
Cause that was the queer mirror of failure,
Which paved my way towards victory.

Only mirror which shatters,
And gives more clarity,
Without it success is pale,
It lets me narrate a story worth telling.

It never extolled me,
Cause it wanted to challenge me,
My mind baffled with queries,
But it made me face the world with erect spine.

I pondered, why was it so cruel?
But gradually I realised,
It was that wave, which
Took two steps back to raise more high.

I brooded when I faced it,
But who knew that it was the one,
Who was the intermediator,
Connecting me and success.

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