Sunday 2 July 2023

“Broken” - By M.Sanjana of MZC Final Year 

Picture Credit : Special Arrangement 

When emptiness fills up
Your heart and soul, that's broken.
When you never try to bring back
Your pieces into place, that's broken. 

When an unpleasant experience
Keeps haunting you day and night, that's broken.
When surrounded by people, and
Yet feel lonely, that's broken.

When your tears slowly become invisible and dry up,
But your heart still cries, that's broken. 
When your soft-kind heart,
Turns into rock-solid stone, that's broken. 

When your heart seeks solace,
Yet fails to find it, that's broken.
When your childhood toys
No more makes you smile, that's broken.

When you start staying away from your family,
Which was your whole world, that's broken.
When you distance yourself
From all the positive vibes, that's broken.

When your real smile
Is replaced by a fake one, that's broken.
When your soul
Desires death, that's broken.

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