Sunday 5 February 2023

"Writer?" -  A Poem by N.Sahithi Reddy of B.Sc FNZC II Year

Picture Credit : Special Arrangement

Writer! No, a pity thinker,
Cursed with his own imagination,
Lost track in his forest,
Wandering places in search of words.

It’s tempting! How I want to scribble,
Everything that I believe in,
One that I comprehend,
And one that I didn't.

Is it that, I got no voice?
Maybe I’ve forsaken my own.
Now I ask,
Will these words speak on my behalf?

I’m no writer, I got no wisdom,
I just want to scribble something,
Because like I said
I’m Cursed.

So before I lose my path,
I’m drafting, I’m marking these pages,
So they help get me back,
Am I really writing? Or …

Finding a way?

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