Sunday 26 February 2023

“A Beautiful Pain - LOVE” - By Deepshikha Patangay of BA Final Year

Picture Credit : Special Arrangement

Failed at every step of life,
But won everything with pain.
Made myself even stronger,
As I felt the pain deeply,
But failed to love me.

In the entire universe,
There goes a story always.
A woman who kept crying,
A woman who begged,
To be his wife forever.

Years passed away,
Listening to their sacrifices.
But we felt them when we achieved,
With freedom in life,
With the support of our loved ones.

Yet today standing on my own feet,
I fail to stand up for myself.
As I am the daughter of Eve,
Who has similar traits,
But no change as she wished for.

Even today I feel her in me,
As I repeat her story of a woman,
Who always bent down,
To get adjusted with Adam,
To run and cry for a man like Eve.

This was the curse she brought down,
This is the pain every daughter feels,
This is the story that repeats.
As we feel her in every moment,
As we feel ourselves in our journey,
Till we try to find love on Earth.

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