Saturday 7 January 2023

"Emotion Strengthens The Bond" - By Gouthami Kawlaskar, Computers I Year

Picture Credit : Special Arrangement

One day an elderly postman knocked on the door of a house and said, Take the letter".
As soon as he said this, a little girl’s voice echoed from inside, I am coming, please wait”.
(Five minutes passed but no one came out) 
The postman again said, Is there anyone to take the letter? I have to go to several other places too”.
Now, the girl repliedUncle, if you are in a hurry, keep the letter under the door. It will take time for me to come”.
The old postman replied, No, I am waiting. It is a registered letter and someone’s signature is needed".

After about 10 minutes, the door opened. The postman was angry because he had to wait. He was about to shout at the girl but as soon as the door opened, the postman was shocked to see her in front of him. She was a handicapped girl who had no legs. The postman quietly gave the letter, took her signature, and left.

The little girl often lived alone in her house. Her mother was no more in this world, and her father used to work far away. A maid used to stay in the house with the girl in the morning and the evening to take care of her. But she used to live all alone in her house during the daytime. In a month or two, whenever a mail used to come, the postman would knock and call for the girl and then wait patiently at the door. 

Gradually, there was a growth of interaction and attachment between the two. The little girl noticed that the postman used to come barefoot to deliver the mail. The season of rain had arrived and one day when the postman left after giving the letter to the girl, his footprints were left on the wet soil. So, the girl went inside and came out with a piece of paper and then placed it on the footprint, and also took a picture of the same. The next day, she asked her maid to get a pair of shoes of that size and keep them in the house. 

The festival of Diwali was about to come and the postman went to those houses, where he used to deliver the mail, to ask for a Diwali gift but then he thought about the little girl. He assumed that it wouldn’t be right to ask anything from her. He also thought that it would not be good to meet the girl empty-handed at the time of festival. So, he bought a small chocolate for the little girl. 

The next day, he went to the little girl’s house and knocked. When the girl opened the door, the old postman gave her a chocolate and said, This is a small gift for you".
The girl was very happy to get that gift and asked the postman to wait for some time. After a while, she brought a big box and gave it to the postman and said, Uncle, this is a gift for you on the occasion of Diwali”.
The postman was surprised to see the box and said, “You are like a daughter to me. How can I take a gift from you?”. 
The little girl insisted him and said, “Uncle please don’t refuse to accept my gift, I would be happy if you accept it".
Ok”, said the old man and took the box by lovingly placing his hand on the girl’s head, as if blessing her.

After going home, when the postman opened the box, he was surprised to see that there was a pair of shoes in it. His eyes twinkled and he couldn’t believe that the girl was so concerned for him.

The next day, the postman reached his post office and pleaded the postmaster to immediately transfer him to another area. When the postmaster asked about the reason for the transfer, he told him everything and said with wet eyes, Sir, after today I will not be able to go to that street again, that little girl saw me barefoot and gave me a pair of shoes but how will I be able to give her feet?”.
Saying this the postman bursts out into tears. 

MORAL: To feel the pain of others and to understand their suffering, is such a human quality without which every human is incomplete. We should pray to god to grant us the ornament of sensitivity so that we can do our part in reducing the sufferings of others.

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