Tuesday 21 June 2022

"You and My Soul" - A Poem By G. Snehitha, BSC, MPCS, Final Year

Picture Credit : Special Arrangement



The pillow,

The blanket, 

The mirror.

Thank you for always being with me.

You are the only ones who knew everything about me.

My best, my worst,

My happiness, my sadness.

My love, my breakup,

My childishness, my maturity.

My mistakes, my experiences,

My failure, my success.

More than anyone else, you were with me in every journey.

Every situation in my life is, some way or the other, connected to you.

You have become a part of my daily life.


I am sorry.

I love someone, more than I love you,

I spend time with someone, more than I do with you,

That person knows everything about me, more than you do.

And it is my SOUL.

                                                                                                   ~ G.Snehitha (BSC, MPCS)

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