Saturday 11 December 2021

The End - A New Beginning? by Prabha Tiwari, B.Com Regulars, 2A

Photo Credit: Special Arrangement


I retreated, the day I realized,

That here - I never belonged.

My haven was decided, 

And it wasn't this.

It was only me, in the void around.

Darkness, consuming my mind;

Terrible gloom, in it I drowned.

I closed my eyes,

As I recognized myself.

My power and potential,

My might and wherewithal.

My lips cast a smile,

As I graced on, ethereal.

After what seemed like an eternity,

I found what my soul longed for.

And now, I have reached Hamel - 

My haven.

I am here, it all seems real.

This, is a better place.

Better than the cruel world, 

I had to vacate.

This is my journey;

Was it an end, or 

Is it a new beginning?

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