Sunday 17 January 2021

"The Real You" by Priya Dey

The Real You

To live a peaceful and graceful life, have dexterity. 

We chase things that prove unworthy to us at the end

Take time to think, try to reach your goals. 

Enjoying the worldly pleasures isn't bad, but you should keep your ideas, your creativity and your fervour alive.

Approaching difficulties and nurturing your ardent desires should be considered the effective parts of life. 

Virtuality is what people strive for, not thinking about time and its consequence, but to reach the stars isn’t impossible in the actual world and in time. 

Lead your dreams to reality so that when people look at you, they know to follow their dreams too. 

Consider your ideas, acknowledge the truth; accept the real you. 

Let your vision never waver from what's ahead of you: A life built of your own choice; a worthy future for your actual self.

Be real and be kind to yourself, behave sagaciously. 

Add colours of actuality to your life and be sure to spread them to the rest of the world.

Delete negativity and virtuality. Live independently and creatively. 

                                                                                                           - Priya Dey (MECs)