Saturday 4 July 2020

Pandemic Literature: "The Biohazard" - Flash Fiction by Veda Sri

The Biohazard

Dylan had worked at Hawkins labs for as long as he could remember. The scientists were weird and awkward and it wasn’t a pleasant place to work at, but the pay was good and he never complained.

He was walking through the corridors when he heard hushed voices in one of the biosafety labs. He inched closer to the door to listen.

“The authorities asked us not to tell anyone. And, it was Paul’s fault that the new virus got out.”

“They knew that COVID-19 could spearhead the end of the world. It was their fault for not giving him better equipment to handle it. Now, he’s dead.”

Dylan backed away to the opposite wall with fear. He didn’t know who else was infected in Hawkins labs. He wanted to run away but he had to stay for the sake of the people. They didn’t deserve to die because of one mistake in a lab. He went back to the door again to listen.

“…they are helping. The research labs made and stored the antidote for the infected employees.”

Dylan heard footsteps from the other side of the door, so he made his way quickly towards the research wing. The researchers had left for lunch and the labs were empty. He searched for the antidote in the virology research lab and he found the stock in storage. He stole one unit.

The entry and exit logs would note the irregularity in his shift time if he sneaked out, so he had to wait till the end of his shift to leave.

Dylan made it out of the lab without being noticed and handed the antidote over to the government along with the information that he overheard.

They say not all superheroes wear capes, and Dylan made everyone believe it. 

                                                                                                   - Veda Sri (BA 2nd year)

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