Saturday 18 July 2020

"A Letter To Upma" - by Aishwarya Lakkakula

A Letter to Upma
                                                                                               - Aishwarya Lakkakula (BA 1st year)


Kitchen Colony,
Upma Nilayam.

Subject: Request an unending holiday.

Dear Upma,

Beating upon my doll-drums in the acquaintance of mosquito bites, I, the habitual victim of your suicidal attacks during my late mornings, on behalf of all the little patsies, am here to request you to show mercy upon our tiny innocent tummies, for they are bored of digesting you.

A complaint has been registered in the brain by the Department of Food and Digestion, claiming that they might lose the capacity of digesting sophisticated food, if they are provided with only upma. Also, the heart now forgets to sing its tune: instead of 'lub-dub' 'lub-dub', it beats 'upma' 'upma'. All is upma: the blood and the bones. Be it the heart or the brain, every nook and cranny of our body is in vain. Your dance in our plates is everlasting. You are our mothers’ favourite, even more than our younger brothers! Once you were a guest, but now, you aren't welcome. Listen, we want you to be just a rare visitor, leaving us to other yummy friends!

I hope that we have reached the climax of our breakfast drama. Book a ticket to a haunted house in a distant land for a long, boisterous, never-ending vacation, and serve yourself to the ladies in white! Fare you well and kindly get lost, because we want to taste a lot!
Awaiting your departure,

Yours Lovingly,
Upma Go Away Association.

1 comment:

  1. Upma, the most favorite dish of South Indians is explicitly described with a good farewell to the Whites Aishwarya.
