Tuesday 5 May 2020

"What is Love?" A Poem by Mariya Fatima

What's Love?

What happens with us, is all destined;
True Love, indeed, is hard to find.

Is it which was between Thisbe and Pyramus? 
Or is it which bound Cressida and Triolus? 

For some it's the blessing of Cupid and Venus ;
For some it is the sacrifice of Aeneas.

Is Love what Conquers the Heart and Mind? ;
For it makes a person Completely Blind;

For some it fills their lives with Glee;
Who knows the Broken heart's  melancholy....;

Some believe that Love is Eternal;
Others say , it is all proverbial ;

From love some keep themselves abstained;
Because deep inside , their hearts lie Pained;

For me - it's a deadly Combination of both pleasure and ache:
Where either two hearts merge or they just Break.

Mariya Fatima, BA I year