Monday 15 October 2018

Friendships & Reflections: Two Poems by Priyanka and Ritu

On Friendship   

Friendship is a roller coaster of highs and lows  
    Some friends can't stay apart nor wish to be torn.
Some struggle to rescue their drowned liaisons
    And some cheer on their comrades from afar:
They come in gangs of geeks and clique of jocks
    They are partners in crime and peas of a pod
    They stand firm and brave against the harsh wind
    Trusting and leaning on each other to hold tight
    They think they're invincible against all charges
    Yet, they wobble and sway against the test of time.

    Opportunities knock at their doors and hearts change
    Priorities re-arrange and promises long forgotten  
Friendships are crazy pacts and silly ties 
    So easily tossed away in the hurdles of life
    Yet some few and true friendships never fade 
    Still standing side by side against the harsh winds
                                                                   -  Priyanka Dubey,
                                                                             MZC 2nd year.


      Always wandering around in the dark,
       I've practiced to put on a deceiving mask.
Maybe it is too late to reach for the light
       And yet, till the end all I'm doing is fight.
  Every effort I put in seems to be less
       And every cry of help I scream, useless.
 Yet I stand up again and brace my soul
       For the voice in my head is too loud to ignore.

                                                                            - Ritu Sarda, 
                                                                               MZC 2nd year.                                                      

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