Wednesday 7 June 2017

In the Land of the Seven Sisters- Apoorva Remembers Her Trip to the North-East

India is a vast country full of beautiful places and people, and last year I got to visit, admire and appreciate one of our country's most underrated parts- the North-East.

Last year's summer (2016) was so far the best of my life. It was always a dream to witness in person, the beautiful natural scenery,  which we usually only see in portraits or pictures on the Internet.
The dream came true when I visited Sikkim, Siliguri (East Bengal), Darjeeling and also a part of Bhutan. These are the places everyone should visit at least once. 

Sikkim Clean and Green!

Sikkim, I felt, is the best among all States when it comes to cleanliness. If somebody cannot afford to visit foreign countries, then Gangtok is the best place to visit as it gives exactly the same feeling. 

Teesta river

The natural beauty of East India is mesmerizing and unforgettable. The cities are located on mountains. One side of the road is the mountain and other side is a sheer drop. The heart seems to become still for a while when we peer into those ditches. The feeling is breathtaking. Also, earthquakes are frequent in those areas. When we were in Siliguri, we experienced one for less than a second. For the people there, it's common but for me it added some spine-chilling thrills to the trip.

A temple near Namchi, called Char Dham, was my favourite and is a must visit. It is located about 5 km from Namchi town and is accessible by a nice smooth road all the way. At one point the car needs to ascend uphill to reach the top of Solophok hill. There is a statue of Lord Shiva of about 87 ft. The place is at 5500 ft. from sea level. When we look down from that height, we see greenery covered with clouds. The vision is blurred but the beauty of nature can still be clearly seen. 

The Toy Train of Darjeeling
The trip to the East of our beautiful nation was such an amazing experience. I enjoyed not just the picturesque scenery, but also had a taste of the wonderful cultural diversity which is the hallmark of India.
And now, although I miss those days, I am glad to be able to relive those glorifying and mesmerising moments all over again by sharing the experience here. 

A Few More Clicks From the Trip!

A View of India From Bhutan

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