Thursday 4 May 2017

The Liberation of Sita: A Review by Srinidhi Gavaraj

“ I am the daughter of Earth, Rama. I have realised who I am. The whole universe belongs to me. I don’t lack anything. I am the daughter of the Earth.”
      The Liberation of Sita (2016), written by Vogla, a well known Telugu writer and translated into English by Prof. T. Vijay Kumar and late Prof. C.Vijayasree is the new rendition of Ramayana from Sita’s point of view. The book shows us the journey of Sita who questions 'dharma', fidelity, duty and feminism. Sita's interaction with Surpanaka, Ahyla, Renuka Devi, Urmila paves the way for her liberation. 

After proving her purity, Rama and Sita return to Ayodhya. Few months later,  Sita becomes pregnant. It raises eyebrows and the society taunts Rama for accepting her which is why he sends her away on exile, she goes on to live in the forest near Sage Valmiki’s ashram. 

The first step of her becoming a liberated person happens when she meets Surpanaka, sister of Ravana  who lives in her beautiful garden  after being disfigured by the brothers. She struggles but learns to look beyond her beauty  and love her real self. Nature taught her patience and love. She says that the success of a woman does not lie in her relationship with a man. 

The story then shifts to Ahyla, Maharishi Gautama’s wife who was seduced by Indra. She exudes strength and individuality. She questions Sita on the power of men, and their fidelity. When Sita proudly defends Rama, she points out, “What does conducting an inquiry mean? Distrust, isn’t it? Wouldn’t it be better instead to believe in either your innocence or guilt?”

In the next chapter, Sita meets Renuka Devi who talks about husbands and sons. A woman thinks and is told that she doesn’t have a world other than her husband but some day they leave them and there is no place for her. She also gives birth to sons which she is being told is the ultimate goal of her life. But those sons are heirs to the fathers and attest to their authority. She says, ‘ Why bear such sons?” She also forces Sita to question the roles that have been imposed on women by the society.

Lastly, she meets Urmila who observed penance and and encourages Sita to become free.

 The book is an instant attraction with its eye-catching cover and is intriguing from the start. The interview of the author at the end of the book one of the best parts of the book. Volga talks about her life, political career and her love for writing and how she became a feminist

Sita in a New Light
The book taught me that even in the olden times, an opinionated woman was treated differently by the patriarchal society which mostly  looks down upon a woman who stands up for herself and wants to live her own life. This book makes one question, if things have changed in modern society. Liberation of Sita can help educate people about the ways in which we can all set each others free from distressing and draconian gender based obligations.

 I definitely would recommend it especially for the young girls of our college so that they may look at our ancient scriptures in a different light, and also gain some important lessons on what it means to be a woman and a feminist. 

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