Sunday 12 March 2017

The Farewell That Was- A Report by Apoorva Sharma

Colours, Smiles and Memories!
The Quills Literary Club bade farewell to its final year members with a short but memorable party on the fourteenth of February, 2017. 
A Very Quills Valentine!
The party started with some peppy music and fun games, which had our members hugging, dancing and mingling with the other members of the club. These games brought us further closer to each other, and we settled in comfortably for what turned out to be a ride to remember.
Finding Mr. Darcy!
The big surprise planned for the final year members, which had had them on their toes, guessing and pondering in the week leading up to the party, turned out to be a grand success. In keeping the theme of Valentine's Day, the first year members of the club dressed up as the favorite characters of the outgoing members, and asked them to be their Valentine through the cheesiest of pick-up lines possible, which had everyone in splits. There were tears, gasps of joy and looks of utter disbelief as the final years saw their wildest dreams come true. The first years who played these favourite characters, thoroughly enjoyed the hard work and creative effort required to portray these characters, and the reactions of the final year members made it all worth it.

Rhymes of Nostalgia
We then decided to venture back to the days of innocence and blissful oblivion- the days of our childhood. With the chairs pushed back against the walls, we all stood around in a circle, guessing and reciting our favorite nursery rhymes. This not just jogged our grey cells, but also made us all extremely nostalgic as we realized just how much we all had grown up.

In Character!
After this interesting session we saw a video montage of the memories made by the final years at the Q. L. C. With the lights turned down, and the second years singing Green Day's timeless beauty Time of Our Lives, and asking everyone to sing along to the anthem-like theme song from F.R.I.E.N.D.S,  I'll Be There For You,  a few good tears were shed once again, between lots of wistful smiles. 

Special Gifts for our Special Members!
The final years were then asked to share their memories of the time spend with Q.L.C., and their response was one of gratitude, good wishes, and good-bye. 

Q.L.C then presented its beloved outgoing members with small tokens of remembrance, which in typical Quills style, turned out to be some fashionable bookmarks, and beautiful handmade greeting cards.
Adios Amigos
After this, it was the time to cut a delicious cake, which was ritually followed by some artistic cake-facials. We then asked the final years to leave their hand-prints on colourful chart-papers, along with one final message. The party then came to an end with some fun filled banter, nostalgic hugs, and, of course, the inevitable selfies!
Anytime Selfies!
This was the first ever farewell by the Quills Club and will remain in our memories for a long time. 
Also, the pre-meetings conducted to organise this farewell were not just interesting, but also helped us make new friends and memories worth cherishing.
With this final meeting, Q.L.C completed its second year as the beacon of art imagination and creativity  for the students of our college. We look forward to another year with the club with increased fervour and enthusiasm.
Messages and Memories!
Some Cake for the Face!
Bidding Goodbye!

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