Friday 3 March 2017

Do, Give, and Trust Yourself: That's Laxmi Bhavani's Idea of a Happy Life


Go Green with happiness! 

Every body desires and deserves to be happy in this world. However,  only a few people  truly know what happiness is. Generally, people think that their happiness is about  the fulfillment of their desires.  But a man’s desires are endless. Thus, happiness  always remains an unrealized goal.

A large number of people in our country do not have enough to eat.They remain starved all their lives. Those  who are able to fill their belly, crave for delicious food. If they can afford expensive meals then they wish extravagant dresses. The list of the objects we desire to make ourselves happy is endless. 

The Bluest Skies of Happiness!

Man's unhappiness is also due to his ambition. His desire for position, power and influence  has caused much damage to the idea of happiness. We begin with our small dreams to have a successful career as a doctor, a lawyer or a professor. After  attaining our choice of jobs, we aim for wealth, name and fame in that field. Once we attain power and important position, we are burdened by our responsibilities and always remain in a state of anxiety and worry. Whereas  don't we want work and wealth to ease our lives? To  bring joy and relaxation? What a Paradox!

So how can we be happy? Is it by acquiring wealth and material comforts? Or by making ourselves rich internally? I think, it is the latter. We should aspire to work and not pine for appreciation. We should help others without expecting anything in return. Our role as human beings is to devote to the work we are assigned to do and leave the rest to God. Honestly, selflessness, sincerity are some of the qualities that we can develop within ourselves if we truly desire to be happy. 
Above all, we should not be emotionally dependent on anybody to make us happy. Happiness is a state of being, if we treasure and secure it within the depths of our own heart then nobody can steal it form us. We are guaranteed to live a happy life!
A handful of Happiness! 

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