Friday 17 February 2017

Fell for a Fete: Ruhina Banu and Kavya Pujari share their experiences at Hyderabad Literay Festival, 2017

Ruhina Banu

I had an absolutely fantastic time at Hyderabad Literary Festival as a volunteer.
The three things which I liked the most at HLF were, the workshops, the exhibition and the yummy food!
The  workshops introduced me to the world of creativity in a new way. I enjoyed the workshop on abstract painting conducted by Aavish Juluri. There everyone who participated in the workshop had to make an abstract painting that described a short story.

Avish Juluri's workshop on Abstract Paintng 
Secondly, the exhibition put up by Katharina Kakkar was refreshingly new and enlightening to me. I loved the way she used every day objects to depict the position of women in our society. Thirdly, I enjoyed the food. Although , I am normally not excited about food, yet the food at HLF made me go crazy!  

HLF made me interact with different people, which made my ability to communicate better. 
In the Act! Handling the merchandise section

No Discount for Jhilam Ma'am :)

Art Installations

The three days at HLF taught me to be committed to work, respect time and enjoy the work that we do. 
The directors , organizers, coordinators were very friendly to all the volunteers. l really felt happy the way they treated us. I made many new friends at HLF.
I sincerely thank all the directors, organisers, for giving us such a good opportunity. I also  thank my college, principal ma'am, lecturers from Commerce department for permitting us to volunteer at HLF.
My heartfelt  thanks to Jhilam ma'am and "Quills Literary Club"for introducing us to HLF.

Team HLF!

Kavya Pujari

The three days that I spent at HLF left me a transformed person. Experience and exposure to a world of creativity, communication and critical thought has left me wondering about my old self. I have grown and learnt about so many things that define me as a person. 
Initially, I was not confident and was a little afraid. However, the sweet and friendly nature all the Directors ,Organisers and my friends (volunteers) made me feel comfortable and free of any inhibitions. I enjoyed my tea and lunch time with friends. It was as if we were a part of a giant party. 
HLF has made me more confident and improved the way I expressed myself. My participation in the workshops and exhibition showed how easily I could do things that I was earlier afraid of. 

I heartily  thank the Directors, Organisers who gave me the opportunity to be a part of HLF. I also thank  Quills Literary Club and our principal  who encouraged me to attend the wonderful fest. 

With HLF Family!

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