Tuesday 14 February 2017

Euphoria: Supriya Kiran Shares her Experience at Hyderabad Literary Festival,2017

Hyderabad literary Festival, 2017

Volunteering for ‘Hyderabad Literary Festival’ was all about Experience, Exposure and Euphoria.  
That's Me in HLF Avatar

Working for HLF was as easy as breathing. In the beginning, I was little like Alice in Wonderland. But soon things fell in place.  The friendly and cooperative nature of all the directors, organizers and my co-volunteers made me feel like  a guest at some mad tea party, except that the madness  had a method. I also enjoyed the finger licking food provided all the three days and thought it be a very touching gesture. 
With Amita Desai Ma'am

HLF added new pages of experiences and memories in my life. It was all about exposure to a different kind of world where only love for literature, talent and art existed. It introduced me to people of different nations and cultures. I am more confident now. After communicating with such a variety of people, effectively, I think, I am a better communicator.  
We love it!
With HLF Family!

HLF inspired me in many ways. 
One of the workshops, which changed me, was ‘Walk like a Girl’ by Katharina Kakkar. It was about boosting self- -confidence through self-expression, awareness of gender stereotypes and the ability to express ones wishes and needs, freely. It inspired me to conquer my fears and follow my dreams.
Endless Inspiration!

In the three days at HLF, I gained knowledge and inspiration.  I sincerely thank all the directors, organizers for giving an opportunity to be a part of HLF. I am grateful to my college authorities and lectures who permitted me to do such a wonderful job. 
On the Job: My classmates as Volunteers 

Last but not the least, I thank the one and only  "Quills Literary Club"which not only introduced me to HLF, but also prepared me to face the world  through its numerous meetings on literature, art and culture. 
Faculty and students of RBVRR Women's College and members of Quills Literary Club

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