Monday 19 December 2016

Workshop on Performing Arts, Day 2: The Bonfire of Creativity, 14.12.16

Day 2, led us deeper into the mesmerizing  world of theater. Rathna Shekar Sir started it by giving us some idea on the origin of theater and then moved on to  explain the process of bringing a story to life on the stage. 
Shekhar Sir has the participants enthralled!
'Plot is Everything!'

He delved into the importance of a well written plot. We also learned about the important people involved in the creation of a play-  from the writer, to the  director, to the actors, and finally, to the audience. 
Celebrating Theater!

He also talked about the relevance of theater in the Age of the Internet, and said that as long as we have stories to tell, we will find Theater.   

Lighting the Bonfire of Creativity!
The chairs were then pushed to the walls as Sir asked participants to form a circle. He then challenged us to create a story together, with each member contributing a single word. There, in the middle of that circle, the spark of creativity was lit, which binded all of us in a sense of camaraderie as we set about giving birth to a story together. Sir then requetsted us to go back and develop it into a complete story individually. 

The bonfire of creativity did emit some fiery sparks that day, as we all were inspired to write, and write our best.

A thoughtful member contributing to the Story!

The Story Keeps us Engaged

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